
一、课程基本信息 课程代码:ZJ46020 课程名称:管理研究方法 英文名称: Methodology of Management Research 课程性质: R必修 £选修 课程类别:£通识教育 R学科基础 £专业教育 £实践教育 学时/学分:36/2 适用专业:工商管理、物流管理、会计学、人力资源管理、旅游管理、市场营销、电子商务 开课单位:商学院 先修课程:《管理学》、《高等数学》、《统计学》 选用教材:于晓宇,赵红丹,范丽先.管理研究设计与方法(第2版)[M].北京:机械工业出版社, 2023年6月. 参考书目: [1]孙国强. 管理研究方法[M]. 上海:格致出版社, 2019. [2]赵卫宏. 管理学研究方法论[M]. 北京:经济管理出版社, 2018. [3]帕梅拉·欣德勒. 管理研究方法(第13版)[M]. 北京:中国人民大学出版社, 2021. [4]杨杜. 管理学研究方法(第三版)[M]. 大连:东北财经大学出版社, 2018. [5]刘军. 管理研究方法原理与应用[M]. 北京:中国人民大学出版社, 2008. [6]于晓宇,赵红丹,范丽先.管理研究设计与方法[M].北京:机械工业出版社, 2019. 二、课程简介 《管理研究方法》是安徽大学工商管理类专业(工商管理、物流管理、人力资源管理、旅游管理、市场营销、会计学、电子商务)的一门专业核心课程。《管理研究方法》以管理研究工作为逻辑起点,以管理类专业中高年级本科生为讲授对象,是集理论性与应用性为一体的学科。课程主要内容包括管理研究方法的原理、科学的方法论、管理研究设计的一般步骤。本课程帮助学生在确认主题与研究问题、理论框架与研究假设、研究设计、变量测量、资料收集、实验研究、样本抽取、数据处理与描述、假设检验、定性研究、研究报告与学术论文撰写等具体的学习任务中,掌握提出问题、分析问题、解决问题的方法和过程。通过观察和思考现实情境的问题,运用科学的管理方法分析问题和解决问题,为本科阶段后续课程学习、开展创新创业活动以及毕业论文的撰写提供支持。 Course Description Course Code:ZJ46020 Course Title: Research methods for management studies Credit: 2 Class Hours:36 Experimental Hours:0 Practice hours:0 Advanced Placement:management,advanced mathematics,statistics Introduction: Chapter 1, an overview of research. It introduces the ethics of research, management and research, and management research. Chapter 2, scientific methodology. It analyzes the basic principles of science, scientific methods, scientific research, steps of scientific research, and the framework of scientific papers. Chapter 3, identifies themes and research questions, involving research themes and research questions, and research plans. Chapter 4, Framework and research hypothesis, introducing the composition and model of theoretical framework, research questions and research hypothesis, type and structure of hypothesis and evaluation criteria. Chapter 5, research design, analysis and design types and strategies. Chapter 6, measurement of variables, introducing elements and methods of design measurement, dimensions and elements of structure, scale and measurement evaluation. Chapter 7, data collection, introducing resources Sources and methods of data collection. Chapter 8: Experimental research, introducing the basic characteristics of experimental research, laboratory experiments, field experiments, as well as the control of internal and external validity; Chapter 9: Sample extraction, introducing common terms, sampling errors, sampling methods and sampling process; Chapter 10: Data processing and description, introducing data collation, descriptive statistics and data quality inspection. Chapter 11: Hypothesis testing, which introduces the basic idea of hypothesis testing, univariate statistical methods and multivariate statistical methods, as well as the test of regulatory variables and intermediary variables; Chapter 12: Qualitative research, which introduces the purpose, methods and types of qualitative research, as well as content analysis, grounded theory and case studies; Chapter 13: Research report and academic paper writing, introducing research. Reports and academic papers. Applicable professional and level: Undergraduate students major in business administration,accounting, financial management, marketing, human resources management, logistics management,e-commerce,tourism management Assessment: Examination(Daily performance accounted for 30%; Final exam accounted for 70%) Textbook: Zhao Weihong.Research methods for management[M].Beijing:Economic Management Press,2018-06 Yangdu.Research methods for management studies(2nd edition)[M], Dalian:Dongbei University of Finance & Economics Press, 2013-08.

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  • 汪传雷发布了新的作业第七次课程作业:2023-2024-2管理研究方法课题研究报告(22物流管理班)20240511
  • 汪传雷发布了新的作业第六次课程作业:2023-2024-2管理研究方法课题研究实施3(22物流管理班)20240503
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  • 汪传雷发布了新的作业第四次课程作业:2023-2024-2管理研究方法课题研究实施(22物流管理班)20240401
  • 汪传雷发布了新的作业第三次课程作业:2023-2024-2管理研究方法课题计划书修改和初步研究(22物流管理班)20240323
  • 汪传雷发布了新的作业2023-2024-2管理研究方法课题选题和计划书(22物流管理班)20240315