
《微观经济学》课程简介 课程代码: ZJ46010 课程名称(中文):微观经济学 课程名称(英文): Microeconomics 学  分: 3 授课总学时: 54 实验学时(上机学时): 54 实践学时:0 先修课程:高等数学 内容简介: 《微观经济学》是经济管理类各专业的核心课之一,内容包括需求理论、供给理论、生产理论、成本理论、市场理论、要素理论、一般均衡与福利经济学等内容。通过掌握微观经济学的一般原理、方法和技术,能联系社会学、市场学、行为学、心理学、统计学、管理学等多门学科中的相关知识,为学习其他核心课程或相关课程打下基础。 课程思政目标:让学生在微观经济学学习中,要有意、有机、有效地对学生进行社会主义建设者的人生观、价值观以及社会主义核心理念的培养;在具体教学中,运用德育的学科思维,提炼本课程中蕴含的文化基因和价值范式,将其转化为社会主义核心价值观具体化、生动化的有效教学载体,在“润物细无声”的知识学习中融入理想信念层面的精神指引。在学习中,知道微观经济学资本主义辩护学科的本质,“取其精华,弃其糟粕”,明确理解西方微观经济学是为资本主义辩护,有其根本性的局限。同时在学科实践中,全面提高大学生缘事析理、明辨是非的能力,让学生成为德才兼备、全面发展的人才。 课程思政原则:1.实事求是原则2.创新思维原则3.突出重点原则4.注重实效原则5.辩证思维原则。 适用专业及层次: 经济管理类各专业第一学期 考核方式:闭卷考试,平时40%,期末60% 选用教材:马工程教材,西方经济学下册(第二版),《西方经济学》编写组出版社:高等教育出版社,出版时间:2019年09月。 Introduction to the course A of micro "economics" Course Code: ZJ46P05 Course name (Chinese): Micro Economics Course name (English): Microeconomics Credits: 3 Credits: 3 Credits: 3 Total class hours: 54 Experimental hours (hours): 54 Practice hours: 0 Advanced courses: Advanced Mathematics Introduction: Brief "Micro economics" is one of the core courses of economics and management majors, including the demand supply theory, production theory, cost theory, market theory and factor theory, general equilibrium and welfare economics etc.. The general principle, method and technology to master of microeconomics, contact sociology, marketing, behavioral science, psychology, statistics, management science and other disciplines of knowledge, to lay the foundation for learning other core courses or related courses. Ideological and political objectives of the course: in the study of microeconomics, students should consciously, organically and effectively cultivate the outlook on life, values and socialist core concepts of the socialist builders; in the specific teaching, the subject thinking of moral education should be used to refine the cultural gene and value paradigm contained in the course, and transform it into the specific socialist core values It is a vivid and effective teaching carrier, and integrates the spiritual guidance of ideal and belief into the knowledge learning of "moistening things, being silent". In learning, we know that the essence of microeconomics's capitalist defense discipline is to "absorb its essence and discard its dross", and clearly understand that Western microeconomics has its fundamental limitations in defending capitalism. At the same time, in the discipline practice, we should improve the ability of college students to analyze reason and distinguish right from wrong, so that students can become talents with both political integrity and ability and all-round development. Ideological and political principles of curriculum: 1. Seeking truth from facts; 2. Innovative thinking principle; 3. Highlighting key points; 4. Paying attention to actual effect; 5. Dialectical thinking principle. Application of professional and administrative levels: the third term of economic management specialty Examination method: closed book examination, usually 40%, ending 60% The selection of teaching materials: Western Economics Volume II (Second Edition), western economics Compilation Group press: Higher Education Press, publishing time: September 2019.

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